

From corporate to convention, IGI delivers quality presentations from coast to coast.

Click HERE to inquire about inviting IGI to your next event. Or call Lynda Cheldelin Fell at 360-510-8590.

Best presentation of the entire conference!

Amazing speaker! Authentic sharing, great handout, great presentation, and positive energy!

I heard nothing but wonderful feedback, everyone loved you!


When funeral professionals are unable to recharge, the emotional residue of secondary traumatic stress erodes their own mental, emotional, and physical health, making it important to take steps to guard against it.

A workshop specifically for funeral professionals, Lynda Cheldelin Fell teaches evidence-based strategies to mitigate stress and compassion fatigue before it impacts performance, disrupts quality of care, or worse—career burnout.

International Grief Institute

When employees face personal trauma, grief doesn’t stay in the cubicle. Featured in Human Resource Executive magazine, Lynda Cheldelin Fell’s presentation defines best practice strategies designed to stabilize the office impact, mitigate disruption, and foster a work environment that align mission statements with cultural values. This multi-component approach to crisis management augments staff resilience and results in long-term ROI through improved employee recruitment, retention, and performance.

It’s been said that without grief there would be no need for hope but when caught in a fog of grief, how does one restore hope to their world? 

Lynda Cheldelin Fell’s riveting presentation weaves her own story through double tragedy into 10 strategies that strengthen inner resilience and engage the mind, body and soul in modalities that cultivate joy, pleasure and laughter—and create a future powered by hope after losing someone you love.

Amazing speaker! It was fun and I learned a lot. I highly recommend!

Engaging class—best one I’ve taken so far! Everyone should take this.

I loved the list of ideas—something to inspire many different kinds of people and personalities.


Lynda Cheldelin Fell

Six-time award winning author, Lynda Cheldelin Fell is a popular keynote speaker who moves easily between professional and personal audiences of all size. Known for her dynamic yet personable style, Lynda equips her audiences with tools they can apply—earning her share of standing ovations.

Linda Findlay

Linda Findlay is an aftercare keynote speaker who teaches funeral professionals how to connect with their families beyond the funeral service. For over 20 years, she has facilitated hundreds of presentations and workshops across the nation.

Nancy Weil

A leading authority on the laughter as a healing modality, Nancy Weil is known for her energetic, content-rich programs. Author of the book If Stress Doesn’t Kill You, Your Family Might, Nancy is a master at teaching people to change their lives through laughter.

Herb Knoll

Widower advocate, public speaker, and workshop leader, Herb Knoll has a voice people love. Founder of The Widower’s Support Network, Knoll serves corporate audiences and widowers, and those who love them.